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Coastal Resilience
Perico Preserve
Bradenton, FL
March 11
Discover how Florida’s land managers re-create a coastline. Encounter native plants, animals, gopher tortoise habitat, and new seagrass meadows. The evolution of this site is historic. Once a farm, almost a highrise condominium, then the redesign of the barren landscape into a freshwater lake opened up to Perico Bayou to allow the saltwater in. Now mangroves and seagrasses are moving back!

Inland Invader Issues
Red Bug Slough
Sarasota, FL
March 18
Changing climate conditions are allowing for more plants to invade our native habitats. Learn how local land managers deal with this pestilence. Invasive exotic plants and animals are becoming more prevalent. We will learn to identify them alongside our native plants and animals. Red Bug Slough is in the heart of Sarasota and is a natural gem, the name is unfortunate, no red bugs will bother you here!

Early Restoration Efforts
Leffis Key
Bradenton Beach, FL
March 25
Discover the first mangrove coastal restoration project on Sarasota Bay. Hear how to plant mangroves, enjoy a mangrove forest boardwalk and bird migration stopover, and learn about inlet dynamics. This was the very first restoration done by the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program 25 years ago. You will observe how “if you plant it, they will come”. A solution for climate change!

Stormwater Solutions
Celery Fields
Sarasota, FL
April 8
Learn how this former celery farm became an international birding destination. Sarasota Audubon built a LEED Gold Nature Center with native gardens and volunteer docents on the boardwalks. Phillippi Creek headwaters are treated and tamed to prevent flooding downstream. We will meet at the Nature Center to tour the LEED Gold building and gardens, then walk to Palmer Road Boardwalk to view the birds. Bring your binoculars!

Proceeds donated to Sarasota Audubon Society