Beach Nesting Bird Program

Each year, from mid-February until late August, volunteers from Sarasota Audubon monitor and protect our beach nesting birds. Four species have used Sarasota’s beaches for thousands of years: Snowy Plover, Wilson’s Plover, Least Tern and Black Skimmer. Sadly, their numbers have plummeted due to the increase in human population, especially along our shoreline.
In spite of the decline, past efforts have shown that intense monitoring can stabilize these populations. Working with other conservation groups, such as the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission and Audubon of Florida, volunteers learn and contribute to scientific efforts and knowledge.
Get involved in saving our beach nesting birds. You can help by volunteering to be a nest watcher, a chick checker and / or an Audubon ambassador on our beaches. Just a few hours a month can make a difference! Contact Shorebird Coordinator, Holley Short to find out more about this important conservation program.