
When you become a member of Sarasota Audubon Society, you support education, meaningful experiences in nature and conservation of our local birds and wildlife. We’re looking forward to your support and active participation!
- Sarasota Audubon Local Membership- $35/year: Provides direct financial support for the Sarasota Audubon local chapter. You’ll receive The Brown Pelican newsletter, activity schedule and member invitations to unadvertised events.
- For more information about Local Membership, contact
Membership Benefits
Sarasota Audubon Membership Benefits in Sarasota Audubon Society include more than a newsletter.
By joining our active group of supporters, you will:
- Enhance local efforts to preserve natural resources in Sarasota County
- Meet new people and become part of a friendly group that shares an interest in birds, wildlife the environment and conservation
- Support vital partnerships between other nonprofit environmental groups, citizens and local government to shape the health of our community
- Receive first notice of special trips, activities and opportunities through the annual activity schedule, mailed to your home
- Receive member-only invitations to special events
- Have the opportunity to share your input to help select the Society’s activities and speakers
- Contribute to important environmental education programs, such as scholarships for outstanding high school seniors pursuing environmental
careers and conservation camps in Sarasota County. More educational programs are currently in the planning stage.
Don’t wait to join the Sarasota Audubon Society. Your membership dues of only $35 provides vital support to help us protect birds and our local environment.
We also offer Student Memberships for $10.
For National Audubon Society information and membership, visit their website at
Please use the Membership button below for new memberships.