
Beach Nesting Birds
Each year, from mid-February until late August, volunteers from Sarasota Audubon help to monitor four species that use Sarasota’s beaches: Snowy Plover, Wilson’s Plover, Least Tern and Black Skimmer. Sadly, their numbers have plummeted due to the increase in human population and subsequent beach usage.
Every year, we monitor the struggle for survival. Thanks to dedicated beach nesting bird stewards, we hope to give these birds a fighting chance to raise young. You can volunteer your time in monitoring the chicks as they run around the beach. Helping to intercept disturbances by humans, dogs and natural predators has proven to be crucial in this effort. An hour a week or whatever you can spare will be deeply appreciated. Click on VOLUNTEER to help.

Citizen Science
The study of birds, their movements, and habitats is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide, and their observations contribute to the scientific literature. Members of Sarasota Audubon contribute to citizen science in several ways.

Environmental Education
Our Celery Fields Explorers program has so far (6 years of operation) provided environmental education to over 5,000 Sarasota County schoolchildren.