John Ginaven Educational Fund

John Ginaven, a long-time active member of Sarasota Audubon, passed away on Sunday evening, February 4th at the age of 82 due to pulmonary fibrosis. Many of you knew John as a “life of the party” version of a birder, whether through the walks he led, the talks he gave, or joining him for his many loops at his favored patch: Leffis Key Preserve. The John Ginaven Educational Fund seeks to assist any resident of Sarasota and Manatee County wishing to further their involvement in the natural sciences as well as any project in the two-county area which contributes to the joy of birding and/or the conservation of bird life.
If you prefer to donate by check please do not use this online form. Instead, make your check out to Sarasota Audubon / John Ginaven Educational Fund and mail it to: SAS, 999 Center Road, Sarasota, FL 34240